[GNC] Unable to set start and end date in Income Statement report

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Tue Jun 2 11:04:57 EDT 2020

Sorry my screenshot didn’t come through, but it looks the same as your default version.

Since running GnuCash without the Gramps CSS file does the trick, then you don’t have a theme issue.

As for juggling CSS files, see the GnuCash wiki: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GTK3

You can have a GTK CSS file, and you can have one just for GnuCash. (read up on ‘configuration locations’ in the above link)

If the location of your current CSS file that you use for Gramps is located in the place for GTK as a whole, perhaps there is a directory just for Gramps where you can place it instead. (similar to GnuCash)

Otherwise, you’d have to create a GnuCash CSS file that reverses the changes made for all of GTK. My bet though is that you won’t have to revert all of the rules.

I’d start commenting out the font first and then go from there one at a time to see what needs to change.


> On Jun 2, 2020 w23d154, at 4:16 AM, David Lynch via gnucash-user <gnucash-user at gnucash.org> wrote:
> On 02/06/2020 09:02, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> As a follow-up, are you using any sort of custom GTK *theme*?
> No, not as far as I am aware.
>> Even on a different OS, the resulting elements I think should look reasonably similar and your screenshot certainly appears different in several respects.
>> What happens if you try running GnuCash without the custom GTK CSS file to see if there is a difference?
> Yes, there is. It's fine with no custom css and setting file. Screenshot attached
>> If you find an improvement, maybe revert the changes in a custom GnuCash CSS file, or else move the previous changes to a custom Gramps CSS file if that is possible with that app so GnuCash runs with the default.
> I'll try. I've has a look but I can't see how to run one application with one css file and another with another. I suppose I could write a script to rename the file before and after running gramps, but that seems prone to error, particularly if I want to run gramps and gnucash simultaneously, as I do,
> The screenshot you tried to attach is not visible to me on the list.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Jun 2, 2020 w23d154, at 2:52 AM, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net> wrote:
>>> Thanks, that is interesting.
>>> I can’t see from the GTK CSS file rules you listed that they would adversely influence radio buttons.
>>> It is possible, that a font choice *might* but if so, that would definitely be a GTK bug. Rendering and visibility of such UI elements should be independent of font selection.
>>> It looks as if there is some sort of over-exposure issue with your display settings. The top of some elements are variable, particularly the radio buttons.
>>> I’ll make an attempt at attaching what I see on MacOS:
>>> If it comes through, you should see that the non-selected radio buttons are plainly visible. If your monitor doesn’t look like this, I’d consider making adjustments because this likely won’t be the only app you’ll have an issue with if tops of elements are overexposed to the point of not being readily visible.
>>> Regards,
>>> Adrien
>>> <Screen Shot 2020-06-02 at 2.47.17 AM.png>
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