[GNC] hiding expense and income accounts with zero balances

Adrien Monteleone adrien.monteleone at lusfiber.net
Sat Mar 7 17:24:52 EST 2020

I’m one of those that leaves a few basic reports open at all times. (a YTD P&L and MTD P&L, along with AR/AP aging) But I run other reports for analysis fairly regularly.

An option would be nice, but just switching the order would work well.


> On Mar 7, 2020 w10d67, at 3:56 PM, David H <hellvee at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think from memory there are also some users that leave report tabs open semi-permanently so that when they re-open Gnucash the report results are refreshed automatically.  I guess I'm thinking that the options panel would only be displayed when the report tab is first opened so that it doesn't screw things up for users that leave reports open between Gnucash startups. Perhaps even an option in the Reports preferences that defaults to "Show report options when first run" or similar or "Always show report options when run" that is defaulted to true for new gnucash installs :-)
> Cheers David H.

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