[GNC] Translation style (formal/informal you) in Spanish

Guille Lopez willelopz at gmail.com
Sat Apr 17 05:52:20 EDT 2021

Hi everybody,

At the moment I am supporting the translation of GnuCash to Spanish 
through weblate. I must say that weblate is an awesome tool and makes 
the translation task enjoyable. In any case, I have addressed this topic 
to the gnucash-es maillist, but in my opinion this has some impact on 
the overall image of GnuCash towards its users and therefore I wanted to 
extend this thread to a broader audience.

In Spanish we have 2 possible translations for the 2nd person of the 
singular "you" (and derived articles..).

- One is the informal one you will typically use to address most of the 
people (family, friends, coworkers, etc.)

- The second one is formal and you would use with fewer people most of 
the time as sign of respect (elderly people, "respectable people", 
people that you have just met *and* you want en emphasize the formality 
of the interaction etc.)

*Disclaimer: this statements are applicable I would say for 
international Spanish. There are some countries/regions in south America 
where the use of the formal version is quite common also between 
friends, etc. But I am focusing on the international language.

For a formal point of view, when addressing an unknown audience, we 
should in principle always use the formal one. However, this gives an 
impression of being old. At the moment the translation is a little bit 
of a mix between the 2 and I think it would be a good idea to 
standardize the approach and use only one.

 From my point of view I would support moving everything to the informal 
version (modern, addressing younger audience, non-business users) and I 
would happily support the change, because this is something can be 
achieved progressively without much problem. New/Updated translations 
would include always the "informal" option until everything is converted.

Summarizing with the main question:

- Should GnuCash address its Spanish users using a formal of informal 

Thank you everybody,


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