[GNC] Hiding accounts of zero

Dean Gibson gnucash.stuff at mailpen.com
Fri Aug 6 11:16:18 EDT 2021

First all, you can hide individual accounts.  However, what I do, is 
create an account group called "Prior stocks" & move prior stocks to 
that group, & then collapse that group.

On 2021-08-06 08:05, Graham wrote:
> Sorry if this is a basic question, but I've tried searching to no avail.
> I'm thinking of stock accounts, where many have been bought and sold. 
> Is there a way of showing the account tree to 'hide' accounts of zero 
> value, or zero stock?
> I could delete the account, but I want to keep the record, and I may 
> want to buy back in the future, so it keeps all the details for me.
> However, it is a pain scrolling through long lists of stock I no 
> longer own. Similarly for old bank accounts such as term deposits; I'd 
> like to keep the details, just not have them showing up all the time 
> in the account list.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Cheerio, Graham

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