[GNC] multiple attachments

Michael or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at comcast.net
Mon Jan 25 22:22:51 EST 2021

On 1/25/2021 3:39 PM, gnu Gord wrote:

> Most of the files I would want to attach will be pdf files so I could,
> theoretically, use pdftk to combine them into one file but that's not
> really the way I'd prefer. I'm able to attach one file but not a second or
> third file, ETC.

What are you trying to do? I mean what sort of documentation are you 
trying to associate with the transactions? What is the purpose?

Also, what sort of entity are the books for? Personal? Business? 

Of course gnucash having the ability does not mean has to be used. Thus 
I would consider it convenient in PERSONAL books, maybe even sole 
proprietorship business books, to be able to attach invoices or other 
supporting documentation to the transactions.

But gives me a queasy feeling if regular business or organizational 
books had the same person keep the books and had custody of that 
documentation and that was machine readable/attached. I'll let an 
accountant, preferably a forensic accountant explain why << if we have 
any reading this >>

Michael D Novack

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