[GNC] multiple attachments
cleanoutmyshed at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 18:11:02 EST 2021
Hi Gord
FYI, I experienced difficulty storing documents on another drive on
Windows (GnuCash wouldn't recognise the colon after the drive letter),
so I created a symbolic link from AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\data\ to the
new location.
General information on symbolic links here:
Example screenshot attached.
On 27/01/2021 8:40 am, gnu Gord wrote:
> Thanks to everyone that replied I'm really impressed with the speed of
> response!! and thanks for the detailed answer.
> I was wondering where the attached file should be stored, I didn't
> realize that GnuCash expected them to be in the "...
> AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\data\ " directory. Is that hard-coded or can I
> change that? Someone asked what kind of documents I was trying to save.
> This is strictly for personal use so most of the documents are receipts
> or bills, possibly some cheque images.
> I tried the suggested method using file:// and it works great, as
> expected, with a couple of little quirks.
> 1. After I create the link and then go back to look at it I can't
> right-click on the little paper clip (or whatever that symbol is), it
> just takes me to the document, I don't get the context menu to edit the
> link. Right or left click do the same thing. Not a big deal, but strange
> behavior to me.
> 2. If I use the menu Transaction -> Manage Document Link... or if I
> right-click in the transaction away from the paper clip, the link I
> created is blank in the pop-up window. I can see it in the 'linked file'
> page as an existing document link but it doesn't show up in the box
> where I entered it. I guess this is not a huge problem but it makes it a
> bit more difficult to edit the link should I need to.
> Anyway, again thanks very much. I'm really starting to like this GnuCash.
> If I have any more questions, I know where to ask!! 😀
> Cheers,
> Gord
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 3:25 PM Geoff <cleanoutmyshed at gmail.com
> <mailto:cleanoutmyshed at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Gord
> Welcome to the wonderful world of GnuCash :--)
> As far as I can see a transaction can only have a single file linked
> to it.
> There is a good alternative. If you are prepared to file your
> documents
> into individual directories (or just create links to your documents
> from
> individual directories) you can use the "Linked Location" feature to
> browse to those directories directly from the GnuCash transaction.
> Here is an example - GnuCash 4.4 / Windows 10
> Step 1 - CREATE - Attachment gnc_linked_location01.jpg
> A. Highlight your transaction.
> B. From the Transaction menu (or right click) and choose "Manage
> Document Link..."
> C. Click on the "Linked Location" button instead of the default "Linked
> File".
> D. Type in the name of the directory prefixed by "file://" - in my
> example, "file://TXN001"
> E. On Windows 10, the directory should be located under:
> C:\Users\<Your_User_Name>\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\data\
> F. Click on OK
> Step 2 - VIEW- Attachment gnc_linked_location02.jpg
> A. Highlight your transaction.
> B. From the Transaction menu (or right click) and choose "Open Linked
> Document"
> C. A new Windows Explorer instance should open showing all your
> transaction documents in your transaction directory:
> C:\Users\<Your_User_Name>\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash\data\TXN001
> Step 3 - MAINTAIN- Attachment gnc_linked_location03.jpg
> A. Highlight your transaction.
> B. From the Transaction menu (or right click) and choose "Manage
> Document Link..."
> C. Note how it defaults to the "Linked File" option and shows the path
> to your directory.
> D. To change the linked directory, you have to go back to Step 1, as
> GnuCash doesn't remember the Linked Location.
> Other Locations - Attachment gnc_linked_location04.jpg
> I should also mention that the Linked Location feature is not
> limited to
> directories on your file system. It also supports the http
> protocol, so
> if you have a web server on your local network, or use Drop Box or
> other
> cloud storage providers, you can link your transactions to folders on
> those services. See, for example:
> https://help.dropbox.com/files-folders/share/share-with-others
> <https://help.dropbox.com/files-folders/share/share-with-others>
> Hope this helps.
> Regards
> Geoff
> =====
> On 26/01/2021 7:39 am, gnu Gord wrote:
> > Hi List,
> > I'm trying to find a replacement for Quicken and brand new to
> GnuCash, so
> > please excuse any protocol errors I may generate. ;)
> >
> > I'm wondering if it's possible in GnuCash to attach multiple
> files to one
> > transaction record (like I can do in Quicken).
> >
> > Most of the files I would want to attach will be pdf files so I
> could,
> > theoretically, use pdftk to combine them into one file but that's not
> > really the way I'd prefer. I'm able to attach one file but not a
> second or
> > third file, ETC.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Gord
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