[GNC] Adding new income category or new expenses category

Barry G. Hall barryghall at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 14:33:48 EDT 2021

I am a new GnuCash user.  I successfully set up an account and imported my business bank account statement.  

In the list of transactions I was able to assign an income or expense category to each transaction, however there is no expense category for “advertising”, “consulting”, “internet” or equipment purchase. For my internet expenses I just used Subscriptions.

Similarly, there is no income category for “sales”, so I used “Bonus”.

It it possible to add new categories?  If so, how might I accomplish that?

Thanks for your help.

Barry G. Hall
Director, Bellingham Research Institute
barry at bellinghamresearch.com
http://www.bellinghamresearch.com <http://www.bellinghamresearch.com/>

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