[GNC] gnucash-user Digest, Vol 226, Issue 48
Heide Wang
heidew99 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 17:17:10 EST 2022
Thank you very much for your detail instruction. I will update my Gnucash to 3, and then to 4, and then to 4.9 as you instructed before I replace my computer.
The printing of certain account ledge page works fine while follow your instruction. Thanks again.
Now I have another problem. when I use split transaction, for example, I paid from my checking account of $300.00 to a credit card company for two transaction charged in the credit card. one is grocery of $50.00 another one is a chair for $250.00, so I did the split transaction of grocery and furniture account. after I recorded the split transaction, the furniture account shows 250.00 but did not show it is for a chair. Did I do something wrong? why on the split transaction it shows a chair but not on the furniture account ledge?
> On Jan 17, 2022, at 2:33 PM, gnucash-user-request at gnucash.org wrote:
> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> gnucash-user-request at gnucash.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> gnucash-user-owner at gnucash.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> (Derek Atkins)
> 2. Re: Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> (R. Victor Klassen)
> 3. couple questions (Heide Wang)
> 4. Re: couple questions (William Prescott)
> 5. Re: couple questions (William Prescott)
> 6. Gnucash via Flatpak-Issues-Solutions (Les)
> 7. Re: Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> (davidcousens49 at gmail.com)
> 8. Re: Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> (Michael or Penny Novack)
> 9. Re: couple questions (davidcousens49 at gmail.com)
> 10. I don't understand this IRA distribution solution
> (Morris Beavers)
> 11. How to get debug to work (saying "uncle") (Steve Conley)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 12:09:09 -0500
> From: "Derek Atkins" <derek at ihtfp.com>
> To: "Mahon Finbar" <mahon.finbar at neuf.fr>
> Cc: "Gnucash Users" <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> Message-ID:
> <fee8a8295d5ed292ba0889e8c1fde201.squirrel at mail2.ihtfp.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
> Hi,
> On Mon, January 17, 2022 10:51 am, Mahon Finbar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My wife got a cheque (or check if you insist) and lodged it in her bank
>> account.
>> I want to enter it as a deposit to her a/c. It only seems to accept
>> Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet as a transfer entry without
>> entering two transactions - deposit and withdrawal....
>> Since the amount will be credited to the a/c "cash in wallet" somehow
>> doesn't seem right?
>> Is there a 'proper' way to enter a cheque lodgement?
> Just like any other deposit.... You debit your checking/bank account for
> the amount of the check, and then credit the amount from wherever the
> funds are coming from, like Income:Salary, Income:Gifts Received, etc.
> Why did she get a check? What was it paying for? That will help you
> decide where the credit the funds.
>> Finbar
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
> derek at ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
> Computer and Internet Security Consultant
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 12:19:29 -0500
> From: "R. Victor Klassen" <rvklassen at gmail.com>
> To: Derek Atkins <derek at ihtfp.com>
> Cc: Mahon Finbar <mahon.finbar at neuf.fr>, Gnucash Users
> <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> Message-ID: <5E6DA689-9851-4A66-8ED5-710A277F2457 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> I generally use a two step process.
> First the cheque goes into ?undeposited cheques?. And the appropriate income account is credited. Then when I make a deposit I may be depositing cash and multiply cheques in a single transaction with the bank account as destination.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 17, 2022, at 12:10 PM, Derek Atkins <derek at ihtfp.com> wrote:
>> ?Hi,
>>> On Mon, January 17, 2022 10:51 am, Mahon Finbar wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My wife got a cheque (or check if you insist) and lodged it in her bank
>>> account.
>>> I want to enter it as a deposit to her a/c. It only seems to accept
>>> Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet as a transfer entry without
>>> entering two transactions - deposit and withdrawal....
>>> Since the amount will be credited to the a/c "cash in wallet" somehow
>>> doesn't seem right?
>>> Is there a 'proper' way to enter a cheque lodgement?
>> Just like any other deposit.... You debit your checking/bank account for
>> the amount of the check, and then credit the amount from wherever the
>> funds are coming from, like Income:Salary, Income:Gifts Received, etc.
>> Why did she get a check? What was it paying for? That will help you
>> decide where the credit the funds.
>>> Finbar
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -derek
>> --
>> Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>> derek at ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
>> Computer and Internet Security Consultant
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
>> -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:10:31 -0800
> From: Heide Wang <heidew99 at gmail.com>
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: [GNC] couple questions
> Message-ID: <294B17BB-8D9A-4BA4-A93C-BCE708429BA3 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Hello,
> I have couple questions. I started using Gnucash in 2015 to keep basic financial record of a trust account. I am using Gnucash 2.6.18 (I know it is old version), and my mac operation system is 10.14.6. My computer is about 9 years old. Although everything is working fine now, but I know I need to upgrade my computer soon. When I up grade my computer, I will download the newest version of Gnucash. How can I transfer all the data to the newer version of Gnucash?? I would like to get a step by step instruction so I wouldn?t loss my old data.
> My second question is there anyway to print the detail page of certain account ? For example, when I open my bank account page, it shows the list date of deposit or withdraw, description, amount and balance line by line, Can I print it for my paper record?
> Thanks for the help.
> Heide
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:01:55 -0600
> From: William Prescott <will at theprescotts.com>
> To: GnuCash Users <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] couple questions
> Message-ID: <9C8C2906-BE56-4EC5-8AE7-42C1484E7959 at theprescotts.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Heide,
> My suggestion is: Do NOT update Gnucash and change computers at the same time. Update Gnucash now, so that when you transfer stuff to your new computer you will not be making any changes to Gnucash at that time.
> When you update Gnucash, do it one version at a time, i.e. first update to 3.0-1, then to 4.0, then to 4.9. At each step make a backup of the Gnucash data file before updating and check that things look okay after updating. On a Mac operating system, I have had no problem keeping the old versions around while I try out newer ones. I have a Gnucash folder in Applications. It contains subfolders for Gnucash 2.6.1-1, 3.0-1, 3.10, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.4, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.8-2, 4.9.The Gnucash.app is in each of the subfolders and I can just double click on any one of them to run it.
> I don't think you need to go through all of the versions updating one by one, but certainly go through each of the major version, 3 and 4. Do not try to got straight from 2 to 4.
> The datafile format changes from major version to major version. So don't go backwards. Backup your current datafile, open Gnucash 3.x, make sure it is okay, save changes, make a new backup, open Gnucash 4.x, make sure it is okay, save changes, etc. Keep track of which backup corresponds with a working copy and which version it worked with.
> You shouldn't have any trouble. As you can see I have gone through a lot of versions and never had any issues.
> Regarding your second question:
> Create a transaction report from the Reports menu
> Click on Options at the top of the Transaction report window
> Click on Accounts within the options dialog
> Select the account you want
> Click Apply
> Click on General
> Select the time period you want
> Click Apply
> Click on Display
> Select the Running Balances check box if you want those.
> Click Apply
> Click OK when you have all the options set
> Then select Print Report from the File menu
> The Print dialog box is not very Mac-like but it works fine
> Select Print to File
> Then click on the filename
> That will open another dialog box that will let you choose where to put it.
> If you click print without clicking on the filename, it will save it, but you might have trouble finding it.
> Good luck,
> Will
> On 2022 Jan 17, at 01-17 12:10:31, Heide Wang <heidew99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have couple questions. I started using Gnucash in 2015 to keep basic financial record of a trust account. I am using Gnucash 2.6.18 (I know it is old version), and my mac operation system is 10.14.6. My computer is about 9 years old. Although everything is working fine now, but I know I need to upgrade my computer soon. When I up grade my computer, I will download the newest version of Gnucash. How can I transfer all the data to the newer version of Gnucash?? I would like to get a step by step instruction so I wouldn?t loss my old data.
> My second question is there anyway to print the detail page of certain account ? For example, when I open my bank account page, it shows the list date of deposit or withdraw, description, amount and balance line by line, Can I print it for my paper record?
> Thanks for the help.
> Heide
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
> -----
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 13:05:38 -0600
> From: William Prescott <will at theprescotts.com>
> To: GnuCash Users <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] couple questions
> Message-ID: <3C463EAC-E557-489E-8D41-104350945D33 at theprescotts.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> PS
> The print instructions I gave will print to a file. That file can be opened with Preview and printed normally. You may be able to send it directly to a printer after setting the options. I don't have a printer so I didn't think about that. I just take things to a copy shop a block away when I want to print which is rare. That way I don't have to mess with printers and cartridges for the dozen times a year when I want a hard copy.
> On 2022 Jan 17, at 01-17 13:01:55, William Prescott <will at theprescotts.com> wrote:
> Heide,
> My suggestion is: Do NOT update Gnucash and change computers at the same time. Update Gnucash now, so that when you transfer stuff to your new computer you will not be making any changes to Gnucash at that time.
> When you update Gnucash, do it one version at a time, i.e. first update to 3.0-1, then to 4.0, then to 4.9. At each step make a backup of the Gnucash data file before updating and check that things look okay after updating. On a Mac operating system, I have had no problem keeping the old versions around while I try out newer ones. I have a Gnucash folder in Applications. It contains subfolders for Gnucash 2.6.1-1, 3.0-1, 3.10, 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.4, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.8-2, 4.9.The Gnucash.app is in each of the subfolders and I can just double click on any one of them to run it.
> I don't think you need to go through all of the versions updating one by one, but certainly go through each of the major version, 3 and 4. Do not try to got straight from 2 to 4.
> The datafile format changes from major version to major version. So don't go backwards. Backup your current datafile, open Gnucash 3.x, make sure it is okay, save changes, make a new backup, open Gnucash 4.x, make sure it is okay, save changes, etc. Keep track of which backup corresponds with a working copy and which version it worked with.
> You shouldn't have any trouble. As you can see I have gone through a lot of versions and never had any issues.
> Regarding your second question:
> Create a transaction report from the Reports menu
> Click on Options at the top of the Transaction report window
> Click on Accounts within the options dialog
> Select the account you want
> Click Apply
> Click on General
> Select the time period you want
> Click Apply
> Click on Display
> Select the Running Balances check box if you want those.
> Click Apply
> Click OK when you have all the options set
> Then select Print Report from the File menu
> The Print dialog box is not very Mac-like but it works fine
> Select Print to File
> Then click on the filename
> That will open another dialog box that will let you choose where to put it.
> If you click print without clicking on the filename, it will save it, but you might have trouble finding it.
> Good luck,
> Will
> On 2022 Jan 17, at 01-17 12:10:31, Heide Wang <heidew99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have couple questions. I started using Gnucash in 2015 to keep basic financial record of a trust account. I am using Gnucash 2.6.18 (I know it is old version), and my mac operation system is 10.14.6. My computer is about 9 years old. Although everything is working fine now, but I know I need to upgrade my computer soon. When I up grade my computer, I will download the newest version of Gnucash. How can I transfer all the data to the newer version of Gnucash?? I would like to get a step by step instruction so I wouldn?t loss my old data.
> My second question is there anyway to print the detail page of certain account ? For example, when I open my bank account page, it shows the list date of deposit or withdraw, description, amount and balance line by line, Can I print it for my paper record?
> Thanks for the help.
> Heide
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-user mailing list
> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
> -----
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 14:05:06 -0600
> From: Les <lelliott5 at gmail.com>
> To: GnuCash Users <gnucash-user at gnucash.org>
> Subject: [GNC] Gnucash via Flatpak-Issues-Solutions
> Message-ID: <081bb9a7-4e7c-5b57-4c47-6c0e90cc8dfc at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> I have been using GC for many years and a few years back I started using
> Flatpak for installations and updates.? I am on Linux Mint 19.3 and GC 4.9.
> For the last year or so, I have had some annoying issues: unable to
> correct entries, unable to backspace within an account, and the latest,
> I cannot open an account by double-clicking.? Instead I have to click
> open account.
> My question is: if I completely uninstall GC via Flatpak and then
> re-install via Flatpak, will I accomplish anything? (The hope of course,
> is to eliminate the annoying issues.)
> Regards and thanks in advance,
> Les
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 07:22:29 +1000
> From: davidcousens49 at gmail.com
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> Message-ID: <71d43f18814592abd86b5c12059acc1c057fe0e9.camel at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> FinBar,
> It depends what the cheque your wife received was for. If it was a reimbursement
> of money she had previously paid out then it gets deducetedfrom the associated
> expense account as it will have reduced the value of the expense to you.
> If it was payment for services rendered then it is income
> Asset:Bank Dr xxx
> Income Cr xxx
> Exactly how you treat it will depend upon how you treated the original
> expenditure and what information it is you need to understand your finances.
> If you knew in advance what the reimbursement was going to be
> you could have set up an Asset account for Reimbursements and when you recorded
> the orignal expenditure you would have had a transaction of the form
> Asset:Bank Cr xxx
> Asset:Reimbursible Dr yyy
> Expense Dr zzz
> where xxx=yyy+zzz. When you receive the cheque/check you would then record it as
> Asset Bank Dr yyy
> Asset:Reimbursable Cr yyy.
> This would be the best procedure where you receive reimbursements regulerly for
> example. For a one off then the following will work equally as well.
> If you had not expected a reimbursement you would record the original expense in
> full
> Asset: Bank Cr xxx
> Expense Dr xxx
> and you would record the receipt of the cheque it as a credit to the expense
> account ( or to a contra account named reimbursements to the expense account).
> This is just a sub account of the expense account totalling into it to which you
> record any reimbursements.
> Asset:Bank Dr yyy
> Expense Cr yyy
> David Cousens
> On Mon, 2022-01-17 at 16:51 +0100, Mahon Finbar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My wife got a cheque (or check if you insist) and lodged it in her bank
>> account.
>> I want to enter it as a deposit to her a/c. It only seems to accept
>> Assets:Current Assets:Cash in Wallet as a transfer entry without
>> entering two transactions - deposit and withdrawal....
>> Since the amount will be credited to the a/c "cash in wallet" somehow
>> doesn't seem right?
>> Is there a 'proper' way to enter a cheque lodgement?
>> Finbar
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
>> -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:43:48 -0500
> From: Michael or Penny Novack <stepbystepfarm at comcast.net>
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Lodging a cheque to an a/c - 'cash in wallet'??
> Message-ID: <e007fbbb-f6c1-43ea-5071-86c4d1de9c41 at comcast.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> On 1/17/2022 12:19 PM, R. Victor Klassen wrote:
>> I generally use a two step process.
>> First the cheque goes into ?undeposited cheques?. And the appropriate income account is credited. Then when I make a deposit I may be depositing cash and multiply cheques in a single transaction with the bank account as destination.
>> Sent from my iPhone
> That's the technically proper way, especially if deposits not made right
> away. It's what I did for several of my organizations as their bank not
> necessarily my bank so a special trip. The money is "yours" when* you
> got the check, not when you bothered to deposit it. But ALSO .......
> It makes the deposit of several checks easier. They were entered
> individually to "undeposited" so if a split involved, fairly simple. If
> you wait till creating the deposit transaction, that could be a very
> complex split.
> Michael D Novack
> * For legal purposes, when whoever sent the check made "constructive
> delivery" to you. For example, the time of the post mark (the envelope
> is your legal property even though you haven't received it yet)
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 07:52:17 +1000
> From: davidcousens49 at gmail.com
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: Re: [GNC] couple questions
> Message-ID: <0a7db0b10812fe756932f4afc9a4db5e0fe9679e.camel at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Heide
> As William Precott suggested you will have to upgrade in steps, first to V 3
> then 4. There are sometimes changes in format of the data file, configuration
> and user preference files at those major version boundaries. The next version
> usually includes a run once procedure which will rearrange the files as
> necessary.
> Pay attention to make sure any saved or custom reports you have created and use
> are transferred when you upgrade at the major version boundaries and are
> available within GnuCash.
> I also concur with the strategy of grading GnuCash before upgrading the
> computer. You will be dealing with any difficulties on a system you are more
> familiar with.
> Around the times the major version changes occurred you will also find posts in
> the user mailing list archives dealing with any difficulties which occurred. The
> Wiki has the following recommendation for upgrading between major versions.
> "Backwards compatibility issues
> Gnucash maintains the ability to read older data files between major releases,
> as long as major releases are not skipped.[16] If a user wishes to access
> historical data saved in old GnuCash files, they must install intermediate
> versions of GnuCash. For example, upgrading from 2.2 to 4.1 may not be possible;
> the user should upgrade from 2.2.9 to 2.4.15, then to 2.6.21, then 3.11, then
> 4.1. The other alternative is for users to export transactions files to a CSV
> format[17] prior to upgrading GnuCash. Exporting of the account tree must be
> done as a separate step."
> The recommendation to go to 3.1 and 4.1 rather than 3.0 and 4.0 is because the
> first minor release usually includes any major bugs (particularly show stoppers)
> encountered in the initial release of the major version, which will sort out
> many issues which you would find looking back through the mail archives. The run
> once procedure is included in the minor versions.
> If you have any problems come back to the mailing list.
> David Cousens
> On Mon, 2022-01-17 at 10:10 -0800, Heide Wang wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have couple questions. I started using Gnucash in 2015 to keep basic
>> financial record of a trust account. I am using Gnucash 2.6.18 (I know it is
>> old version), and my mac operation system is 10.14.6. My computer is about 9
>> years old. Although everything is working fine now, but I know I need to
>> upgrade my computer soon. When I up grade my computer, I will download the
>> newest version of Gnucash. How can I transfer all the data to the newer
>> version of Gnucash?? I would like to get a step by step instruction so I
>> wouldn?t loss my old data.
>> My second question is there anyway to print the detail page of certain account
>> ? For example, when I open my bank account page, it shows the list date of
>> deposit or withdraw, description, amount and balance line by line, Can I
>> print it for my paper record?
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Heide
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> gnucash-user at gnucash.org
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists for more information.
>> -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 17:16:07 -0500
> From: Morris Beavers <atomicpix86 at gmail.com>
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: [GNC] I don't understand this IRA distribution solution
> Message-ID:
> <CABEaXKQSD4AF8kiLT=+7LF9h08P2uZ1NemJz8AN03PRbWwTsEQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I am an ex-quicken user, with no formal accounting training (only
> gnucash manuals).
> I hope to track money between my banking accounts, identify who is
> receiving payments, and budget (income >= expense).
> I started by using the wizard for common + investment accounts.
> I didn?t see a problem until my investments generated an IRA distribution
> with money to federal, state, and checking. I didn?t want to record the
> federal, state deductions as an actual cash expense so I created an
> ?Investment Expense? root expense account to track the payments.
> Now a new year has started and I?m trying to reuse my account tree but I
> can not identify why the budget income is not reporting the sum of the
> income sub-accounts.
> Thinking my IRA distribution solution was the root of the problem I found
> in gnucash-user ?Accounting Treatment of Taxable IRA Distributions? thread.
> There is a statement of a solution which I do not understand, ?How did you
> open your books? I bet your opening transaction had the balancing amount of
> that IRA lumped into equity. But you should instead had it as a "deferred
> income" under equity (a child). The equity total still correct, but now it
> becomes easy for you to "undefer" that income as you take a distribution.
> Understand? The distribution has TWO effects. One is to reduce the IRA
> balance as it increases money in your checking account. The second is to
> "undefer" that amount of income, reduce "deferred" and increase current
> income (your regular income account).?
> Would someone please explain this solution as accounts and transactions?
> Thanks, very much,
> Morris
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:12:31 -0500
> From: Steve Conley <Steve1 at stevenwconley.com>
> To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
> Subject: [GNC] How to get debug to work (saying "uncle")
> Message-ID:
> <CAK4AWGNPYYyJH7Z7TdGzfp5tAwBabE6p72RFG1J9Xz2k7y8Wqg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I have been trying for 5 days now to chunk Quicken and start using gnucash.
> ANY CLUES will be sincerely appreciated.
> The immediate problem I am trying to solve:
> Quicken export to qif of accounts/categories "seems" to complete - but
> nothing visible in gnucash.
> Quicken export to qif of tranactions seems to work also. (large).
> *But gnucash import of even a limited qif data to 2001, gets to the final
> import stage and gnucash dies with no error. Sometime in late QIF import -
> before matching step.*
> Naturally I try to get a debug log but the ONLY way I was able to make
> anything happen was
> (I pulled the startup command from the .desktop entry):
> /usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=gnucash
> --file-forwarding org.gnucash.GnuCash --debug
> (and added --debug)
> This does not put a trace/debug file anywhere I can find. Definitely not in
> /tmp.
> I next tried specifying the logto option with /tmp/gnucash.trace or
> ~/gnucash.trace
> The trace goes neither place.
> Running this:
> /usr/bin/flatpak run --command=gnucash --file-forwarding
> org.gnucash.GnuCash --debug gcashdata_3.gnucash
> (I had to remove the branch and arch options that are in the desktop entry
> (which I copied from above) to even get his outputof warnings)
> and then doing the qif import, results in about 40 lines of:
> (gnucash:2): Gtk-WARNING **: timestamp: Negative content width -2147483648
> .... while allocating gadget (node progress, owner GtkProgressBar)
> and
> (gnucash:2): Gtk-WARNING **: timestamp: Drawing a gadget with negative
> dimensions. did you forget to allocate a size? (node progress, owner
> GtkProgressBar)
> Whether this results in the actual crash, I have no idea.
> Whenever gnucash is started, I get the Gtk messages as follows:
> Gtk-Message: timestamp" Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
> Gtk-Message: timestamp" Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
> Gtk-Message: timestamp" Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
> I tried all manner of suggestions of loading appmenu-gtk/2/3 and
> libcanberra-gtk/2/3 etcand reinstalling each. all said they were installed
> and all re-installs also completed without error.
> But did not get rid of the messge.
> The machine is a core-i3 with 4GB of RAM and a large drive - so space
> should not be an issue.
> But it is an Inspiron 13 - set at 1080p resoultion.
> Why GNCash ...
> I like what I see and have read the pdfs of documentation and played around
> with examples.
> (BTW, I am a 49 year - before retiring veteran of computer science with a
> PhD in Comp Sci and Electronics. I have 6 Xubuntu Linux machines at home
> in addition to a couple of hated Win10 achines.)
> So I have 23 years of history in my Quicken data.
> I have run the Quicken Repair options, and they say all is well.
> Quicken (latest) export to qxf crashes. So I can't try gnucash import of
> qxf.
> First I am running for this machine Pop!_OS versus Xubuntu as it will be my
> wife's and she is better with GUI.
> AND I have ordered a System76 Pop!_OS laptop to replace my failing (screen)
> Dell Inspiron 15.
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> End of gnucash-user Digest, Vol 226, Issue 48
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