[GNC] Report - Income Statement - Layout problem

Carl-Kensaku HERBORT it at digiene.ch
Fri Mar 18 06:43:43 EDT 2022


As promised in my previous e-mail below, here are two screen captures:
1. the balance sheet report: working perfectly
2. the income statement report: with width problem and alignment problem

I hope the pictures are allowed on the mailing list.

Thank you for your help

Best regards

Carl-Kensaku HERBORT
Case postale
CH-1002 Lausanne

+41 (0) 21 320 22 66

Le 18.03.22 à 11:31, Carl-Kensaku HERBORT a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have already tried changing the title line. The title line is divided 
> in four parts, the first two of which can be customized:
> 1. Company name (by default: blank) - customizable at will
> 2. Core title (by default: "Income statement") - customizable at will
> 3. A fixed string ("For Period Covering") - not customizable
> 4. Start and end dates ("01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021") - defined by the 
> dates you choose
> I left the company name blank, so in my case the entire title line is:
> "Compte de résultat For Period Covering 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021"
> The only problem is that the third part ("For Period Covering") is not 
> translated and I cannot find where is the option to change or remove it.
> Maybe I didn't use the right words: I don't care about things being 
> pretty (color, lines, etc). The report is messed up in its basic 
> structure. Maybe showing you is better. I don't know if I can send a 
> picture as attachment on the mailing list. I will try sending it in the 
> next e-mail.
> Thank you for your help
> Best regards
> Carl-Kensaku HERBORT
> Case postale
> CH-1002 Lausanne
> Suisse
> +41 (0) 21 320 22 66
> Le 18.03.22 à 03:23, Michael or Penny Novack a écrit :
>> On 3/17/2022 5:49 PM, Carl-Kensaku HERBORT wrote:
>>> Dear everyone,
>>> Thank you all for being here to help new users like me.
>>> I am having problems with the "income statement" report ("compte de 
>>> resultat" in french).
>>> The columns of the revenue part and the columns of the expense part 
>>> are not aligned. In fact, the entire layout of these two parts 
>>> (including the width) seem to be independently managed from each 
>>> other (contrary to what happens with the parts making up the "balance 
>>> sheet"/"bilan" report, perfectly aligned and with an identical width).
>>> The result is quite ugly. Changing the stylesheet or making accounts 
>>> name shorter or longer doesn't solve the problem. Could you please 
>>> help me out ?
>>> An other problem is that there is an untranslated string in the 
>>> middle of the title of the income statement report: "For Period 
>>> Covering". As I am creating the report in french, it is a bit of a 
>>> problem. Is there a way to replace this string by a translation or 
>>> get rid of this string completely (whatever is easiest) ? 
>> The second question helps with the first because it makes me think 
>> that you have not yet investigated all the report options available to 
>> you. The process is, run the report (open it) and then use 
>> edit=>report options to change various things about the report. Though 
>> how you could be running an income statement without setting the 
>> effective date range is beyond me.
>> Report title is one of the things you can make whatever your heart 
>> desires. I had been keeping books for non-profits so "Statement of 
>> Revenues and Expenses"
>> HOWEVER -- if your "not lining up" is a matter of different levels of 
>> nesting in your CoA << income accounts vs expense accounts >> the 
>> report might need prettying up. It is a waste of time to try to do 
>> pretty printing INSIDE the accounting package. You want a full service 
>> editor for that. Run the report, export the raw report, and then edit 
>> THAT with your favorite editor.
>> Michael D Novack
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