[GNC] Crypto trade directly - not converting to local currency first

Suseno Dermawan dermawas at gmail.com
Thu May 19 20:10:22 EDT 2022

Hi All,

I've been wondering, is there a way to trade between 1 crypto token to
another directly?
My use case as follows:

Ideally able to trade "btc -> eth" vice versa.

But for now, I use the registering method as follows:

"btc -> local currency -> eth" vice versa
Btc sell to local currency, then from local currency buy eth.

Btw, I use crypto type as FUND.

With using "btc - local currency - eth" way of registering the transaction,
I found that the loss n gain report is not really accurate.

Is it possible to have btc to eth directly? I imagine this will need to add
both btc n eth as a currency type?

Thanks for your help


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