[GNC] Create New Gnucash File From Old One

Joseph Hesse joe.hesse at actcx.com
Mon Nov 7 13:49:57 EST 2022


Here is what I want to accomplish.

1. Create a new gnucash file with the same accounts as an old one but no 
transactions from the old one.
2. Copy the transactions from a single account from the old gnu cash 
file to the new one.

I can accomplish 1. by exporting the account tree from the old one to a 
csv file and then importing the csv file to the new one.

I tried to accomplish 2. by exporting the transactions from the desired 
account on the old file to a csv file and then import the csv to the the 
new file.  I can export the transactions but no amount of fiddling or 
trying options allows me to successfully import the csv file.

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Joe Hesse

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