[GNC] Reusing old invoices?

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Fri Nov 18 11:46:49 EST 2022

Op vrijdag 18 november 2022 16:54:01 CET schreef Morgan Read via gnucash-user:
> Hi Adrian,
> > I recall an issue not long ago with an uneditable, unposted invoice. 
> > I'll check to see if I resolved it and if so, how. (this was an issue 
> > with the line-items, the details were editable)
> Yes, those are my symptoms - on one particular invoice the line-items 
> are uneditable whereas the details are editable.  Any pointers would be 
> great, thanks.

Is this an invoice tab you keep permanently open across gnucash restarts ? In rare cases this 
may lead to gnucash becoming confused on the posted status of the invoice, which could 
lead to the symptoms you see.

You can try to close the invoice tab and use any the common methods to reopen it (Business-
>Customer->Find Invoice..., clicking on an invoice link in some report,...). That should fix the 
gnucash confusion.

If it's still not editable at that point, something else may be happening.

> > You should be able to simply renumber the Note/Invoice to avoid 
> > duplication confusion.
> Yes, but then I've found that the numbering goes out - that is, the 
> auto-numbering creates invoices with a number that was created last time 
> (iirc) and so duplicates...

If you manually (had to) set the number on an invoice, you can afterwards update the invoice 
counter under File->Properties->Counters so the the next invoice will have the right number 
assigned automatically again.



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