How do I remove an entry from the aging receivables report

Maf. King maf at
Mon Jan 28 07:37:51 EST 2013

On Mon 28 January 13 11:37:03 Feidhlim Harty wrote:
> Thanks Derek and Maf.
> I found the "show zero balance items" in the report options; followed it
> and got the full spread of clients for the year. Having undid that, I still
> have the same four clients showing zero as always… Not a major problem,
> just a bit unwieldy.
> The 1c imbalance comes from VAT rounded up or down. Gnu won't give me a
> €600 total with a 23% VAT rate without correcting it to €599.99 or €600.01.
> This is a common invoice amount, hence the string of 1c aging receivables
> entries…
> I'll try processing for the Gnu error amount in future, rather than the
> actual amount received. That might do the trick.

Ahh, I understand the rounding issue now.  back in the good ole days when UK 
VAT was 17.5%, I had that quite often.

So, for example, you create an invoice in GC for €487.80.  GC auto adds the 
23%, you end up with an invoice total for 599.99, and you want it to be for 
€600 (and have payment for 600)

What I used to do (20% VAT doesn't cause many rounding errors these days! Yay 
for tax increases! ;-(  ) was an an extra line for 1p to the invoice.  the 
account that it would go to was the VAT:OutputTax account, and I unchecked the 
"Is Taxable?" column.  all seemed to work OK  - similar for bills, except the 
penny (occasionally 2) would go to VAT:InputTax 

As to the zero sums showing, sorry, didn't realise it was just for some 
vendors.  I have one customer that shows in similar sounding way, with a row 
of zeroes.  I think that somewhere along the line GC has lost track of a 
payment, or at least the association between a payment and it's invoice.  I 
had a bit of a look at it a while ago, and deleted and recreated some 
payments, but I couldn't nail it down so decided to live with it.

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