[Gnucash-fr] Budget report inconsistency

Alterne alterne at gmail.com
Lun 22 Sep 07:28:30 EDT 2014


I'm facing a strange behavior with budget reports.

In my budget, both incomes and expenses are expressed as positive amounts,
as correspondent accounts are set as income or expense respectively.

Now, the reports seems not to apply the same  the same reasoning.

In the "Relevé des revenus budgetés" : (all year or the multi period single
colomn report, showing only budget, not effective, for both incomes and
expenses), the incomes are subtracted from expenses, resulting in a
negative sum if my incomes are higher than my expenses. Thant's the way I
learned accounting.

When I use the "Flux budgétaire" : (monthly (period) report with two
columns left budget - right effective), effective incomes are expressed in
negative, so I need to enter my budget incomes in negative to have
consistent sums at the bottom.

When I use the "Rapport de budget" (multi column report with monthly
comparison of budget and effective values), the budgeted incomes are simply
not present !

(I'm sorry, i'm in french locale, I don't know the exact english name of
the reports)

Something wrong, but where ?

Thanks for your help !

Diego Marin
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