2001-August Archives by Author
Starting: Wed Aug 1 00:28:32 2001
Ending: Fri Aug 31 23:36:16 2001
Messages: 285
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
- importing multiple currencies
Jeff Abrahamson
- Splits
Dale Alspach
- Incorrect fill-in using auto-split
Dale Alspach
- gnucash newbie question
Dale Alspach
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Dale Alspach
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Derek Atkins
- Slow Graph Generation
John Bafford
- Slow Graph Generation
John Bafford
- OAF error while running GC1.6.0 on Mandrake8
Nikunj Bansal
- how to show stock trades?
Nikunj Bansal
- how to show stock trades?
Nikunj Bansal
- more gnucash scripts and reports?
Nikunj Bansal
- [Fwd: [Ximian Support] GnuCash -> Guppi -> Gnome]
Nikunj Bansal
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Nikunj Bansal
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Jeb Bateman
- libxml
Adrien Beau
- libxml 1.8.13 not enough?
Adrien Beau
- GNUCash optional compile-time features
Adrien Beau
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Terry Boon
- GnuCash 1.6.1 in Red Hat Linux 7.2 beta
Alessio Bragadini
- downgrading data files
Haines Brown
- downgrading data files
Haines Brown
- downgrading data files
Haines Brown
- (no subject)
Haines Brown
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Haines Brown
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Haines Brown
- libgtkhtml.so.10 dependency
Haines Brown
- libgtkhtml.so.10 dependency
Haines Brown
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Haines Brown
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Haines Brown
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Haines Brown
- Account Codes are good for ???
Rob Brown-Bayliss
- QIF problems with cheques
Rob Brown-Bayliss
- QIF problems with cheques
Rob Brown-Bayliss
- Impressions of 1.6.x and engine bindings for python
Rob Brown-Bayliss
- libgtkhtml.so.13
Malcolm Cooke
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Robin Coon
- Missing libguppi
Marcel Felgentraeger
- Gnucash dependencies
Marcel Felgentraeger
- problems with finance::quote
Marcel Felgentraeger
- Installation Problems
Jeffrey Fogel
- problems compiling gnucash
Jeffrey Fogel
- Trouble getting GnuCash working with Ximian GNOME
Jacques Fortier
- Use of *.log for crash recovery?
Andy Fraser
- Guile Problems (during GnuCash install)
Dwight Frye
- using postgres backend
- libgtkhtml.so.13
Matthias Gerds
- libgtkhtml.so.13
Matthias Gerds
- gnucash debian 1.6.1-3 crashes on report generation
Seth Gordon
- more gnucash scripts and reports?
Seth Gordon
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Seth Gordon
- Question on how to record share losses
Bill Gribble
- Question on how to record share losses
Bill Gribble
- Module system: last call for objections
Bill Gribble
- Module system: last call for objections
Bill Gribble
- Module system: last call for objections
Bill Gribble
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Bill Gribble
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Bill Gribble
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Bill Gribble
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Bill Gribble
- Why no memo field?
Bill Gribble
- problem with balancing mutual fund account
Bill Gribble
- Why no memo field?
Bill Gribble
- problems compiling gnucash
Bill Gribble
- Gnucash folks at LinuxWorld Expo?
Bill Gribble
- encryption & the gnucash lists [Fwd: Your e-mail message was
Bill Gribble
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Bill Gribble
- Feature idea: make numeric-keypad `Enter' in reconcile window act like the main `Enter' key
Eric Hanchrow
- How to recover?
Ron Hauptfleisch
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Olivier Herlin
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Olivier Herlin
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Olivier Herlin
- Stock accounts
Randall Hopper
- Scared stiff
Damian Ivereigh
- Gnucash and debian
Laurent Jacques
- Gnucash and debian
Laurent Jacques
- Gnucash and debian
Laurent Jacques
- Gnucash book ?
Laurent Jacques
- GnuCash for Small Business?
- can't instal
G.Lee Johnson
- can't instal
G.Lee Johnson
- Gnucash folks at LinuxWorld Expo?
G.Lee Johnson
- Gnucash folks at LinuxWorld Expo?
G.Lee Johnson
- Delay/hang when creating reports/charts
Jack Kirstein
- more gnucash scripts and reports?
Matt Kowske
- more gnucash scripts and reports?
Matt Kowske
- budget feature in the works?
Matt Kowske
- loans in gnucash
Matt Kowske
- Changing unit trust/stock account details
Matt Kraai
- Version 1.6.2 crashing on open of my account set.
Scott Lambert
- Locking tranasction prior to some give date
Nicholas Lee
- how to show stock trades?
James LewisMoss
- how to show stock trades?
James LewisMoss
- installation: guile 1.4 trouble
Michael Na Li
- Installation question
Peter De Lucia
- doesn't take numbers
James Lund
- crash on save, errors in make check
James Lund
- crash on save, errors in make check
James Lund
- crash on save, errors in make check
James Lund
- gnucash on RH7.1
Paul Lussier
- libglade missing
Paul Lussier
- Problem with auto decimal
Paul Lussier
- Account Codes are good for ???
Paul Lussier
- Why no memo field?
Paul Lussier
- Problem with auto decimal
Paul Lussier
- Why no memo field?
Paul Lussier
- Closing Accounts?
Paul Lussier
- Gnucash and debian
Paul Lussier
- Importing into GnuCash from my bank via .qif
Paul Lussier
- Credit Card Fees?
Paul Lussier
- Good Accounting Book (FAQ, I'm sure)
Paul Lussier
- Install 1.6.1 parallel to 1.6.0 in Debian
Paul Lussier
- FAQ (Was: Good Accounting Book (FAQ, I'm sure))
Paul Lussier
- Liability accounts and amortization
Paul Lussier
- -$0.00 ?
Stacey McComas
- installation: guile 1.4 trouble
Robert Graham Merkel
- Question on how to record share losses
Robert Graham Merkel
- How to properly new account an opening balance?
Robert Graham Merkel
- Installation question
Robert Graham Merkel
- problems compiling gnucash
Robert Graham Merkel
- more gnucash scripts and reports?
Robert Graham Merkel
- budget feature in the works?
Robert Graham Merkel
- loans in gnucash
Eric E Moore
- How to properly new account an opening balance?
Michael Morrison
- libglade missing
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Tim Nowaczyk
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Tim Nowaczyk
- problem with balancing mutual fund account
Teddy Odum
- Why no memo field?
Ben Ostrowsky
- Error starting GnuCash
Chris Ott
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Michal Palczewski
- Gnucash dependencies
Lewis Parker
- (no subject)
Herve Patriarche
- installation: guile 1.4 trouble
Steve Petersen
- installation: guile 1.4 trouble
Steve Petersen
- next install roadblock
Steve Petersen
- next install roadblock
Steve Petersen
- next install roadblock
Steve Petersen
- doesn't take numbers
Dave Peticolas
- doesn't take numbers
Dave Peticolas
- doesn't take numbers
Dave Peticolas
- default behavior of mutual fund accounts
Dave Peticolas
- default behavior of mutual fund accounts
Dave Peticolas
- Why no memo field?
Dave Peticolas
- notebook style question
Dave Peticolas
- Split Question
Dave Peticolas
- Problem with auto decimal
Dave Peticolas
- transfer window
Dave Peticolas
- A couple of quickies
Dave Peticolas
- A couple of quickies
Dave Peticolas
- A couple of quickies
Dave Peticolas
- problem with balancing mutual fund account
Dave Peticolas
- Feature idea: make numeric-keypad `Enter' in reconcile window
act like the main `Enter' key
Dave Peticolas
- Scroll bars in KDE
Dave Peticolas
- Changing unit trust/stock account details
Dave Peticolas
- downgrading data files
Dave Peticolas
- (no subject)
Dave Peticolas
- Splits
Dave Peticolas
- Incorrect fill-in using auto-split
Dave Peticolas
- Impressions of 1.6.x and engine bindings for python
Dave Peticolas
- Impressions of 1.6.x and engine bindings for python
Dave Peticolas
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Dave Peticolas
- Accent bug. v 1.4.11
Dave Peticolas
- Guile Problems (during GnuCash install)
Dave Peticolas
- gnome-print complie error
Dave Peticolas
- crash on save, errors in make check
Dave Peticolas
- crash on save, errors in make check
Dave Peticolas
- importing multiple currencies
Dave Peticolas
- Top Account in Dollars ~ Sub-Account in Drachma
Dave Peticolas
- Problem with entering transaction
Dave Peticolas
- GNUCash optional compile-time features
Dave Peticolas
- (no subject)
Dave Peticolas
- slibcat permissions (was no subject)
Dave Peticolas
- Problem with width settings in register windows
Dave Peticolas
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Dave Peticolas
- libgtkhtml.so.10 dependency
Dave Peticolas
- Liability accounts and amortization
Dave Peticolas
- postgres question
Timothy Reaves
- Split Question
Timothy Reaves
- Why no memo field?
Timothy Reaves
- notebook style question
Timothy Reaves
- Problem with auto decimal
Timothy Reaves
- Problem with auto decimal
Timothy Reaves
- closing year question
Timothy Reaves
- Problem with entering transaction
Timothy Reaves
- Problem with entering transaction
Timothy Reaves
- Changing unit trust/stock account details
Keith Refson
- Changing unit trust/stock account details
Keith Refson
- Impressions of 1.6.x
Keith Refson
- Problem with width settings in register windows
Keith Refson
- [Fwd: [Ximian Support] GnuCash -> Guppi -> Gnome]
Fien Remerie
- Printing Reports
Peter M Roberts
- printing
Marek Salaquarda
- Install 1.6.1 parallel to 1.6.0 in Debian
Joerg Schoeppe
- Closing Accounts?
Eric Schwartz
- Closing Accounts?
Eric Schwartz
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Phillip J Shelton
- Installation question
Phillip J Shelton
- A couple of quickies
Rich Shepard
- A couple of quickies
Rich Shepard
- A couple of quickies
Rich Shepard
- Scroll bars in KDE
Matt Soccio
- gnucash on RH7.1
Matthew P. Soccio
- transfer window
Michael P. Soulier
- trouble getting off this list
Brock Steiner
- Problems compiling 1.6.1
Alexander Stellwag
- gnucash newbie question.
Thomas Vander Stichele
- gnucash newbie question
Thomas Vander Stichele
- Gnucash dependencies
Christian Stimming
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Christian Stimming
- glossary (was Re: Liability accounts and amortization)
Christian Stimming
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
- installation: guile 1.4 trouble
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
- next install roadblock
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
- next install roadblock
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
- Inaccurate Report
Stan Student
- Recurring Transactions?
Pete Toscano
- Question on how to record share losses
- Question on how to record share losses
- Why no memo field?
James A. Treacy
- Gnucash and debian
James A. Treacy
- Gnucash and debian
James A. Treacy
- Gnucash and debian
James A. Treacy
- [guppi-list] [Fwd: [Ximian Support] GnuCash -> Guppi -> Gnome]
Jon Trowbridge
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Robert A. Uhl
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Robert A. Uhl
- Why no memo field?
Matthew Vanecek
- Why no memo field?
Matthew Vanecek
- downgrading data files
Matthew Vanecek
- Liability accounts and amortization
Matthew Vanecek
- Recurring Transactions?
Linas Vepstas
- Slow Graph Generation
Linas Vepstas
- Question on how to record share losses
Linas Vepstas
- Inaccurate Report
Linas Vepstas
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Linas Vepstas
- postgres question
Linas Vepstas
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Linas Vepstas
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Linas Vepstas
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Linas Vepstas
- Unrealized/Realized Gains and Losses
Linas Vepstas
- doesn't take numbers
Linas Vepstas
- GnuCash & euro?
Linas Vepstas
- Use of *.log for crash recovery?
Linas Vepstas
- Impressions of 1.6.x and engine bindings for python
Linas Vepstas
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Linas Vepstas
- Accent bug. v 1.4.11
Linas Vepstas
- Accent bug. v 1.4.11
Linas Vepstas
- Locking tranasction prior to some give date
Linas Vepstas
- libgtkhtml.so.10 dependency
Linas Vepstas
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Linas Vepstas
- -$0.00 ?
Linas Vepstas
- Gnucash folks at LinuxWorld Expo?
Linas Vepstas
- Postgresql backend
Linas Vepstas
- tracking "debt" to charity, with cost accounting
Linas Vepstas
- gnucash 1.6.1 questions
Linas Vepstas
- Yesterday's outages
Linas Vepstas
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Glenn Walbran
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Glenn Walbran
- updating unit trust prices automatically
Glenn Walbran
- OFX support comeing?
Ren West
- Credit Card Fees?
The Doctor What
- Good Accounting Book (FAQ, I'm sure)
The Doctor What
- Closing Accounts?
Georg Wilckens
- Closing Accounts?
Stephen P Williams
- Gnucash-1.6.2 and guppi-0.35.5
Poldi Winkler
- Compiling error-gnome-print error
Greg Woods
- Why no memo field?
Greg Woods
- libgtkhtml.so.13
malcolm cooke
- libgtkhtml.so.13
malcolm cooke
- Postgresql backend
- Scared stiff
- gnome-print complie error
- gnome-print complie error
- gnome-print complie error
- (no subject)
- FAQ (Was: Good Accounting Book (FAQ, I'm sure))
- Liability accounts and amortization
- Error attempting to register
- "This file appears to be from a newer version of GNUcash.."
- Splits
- Splits
- Top Account in Dollars ~ Sub-Account in Drachma
- Additional comment re: User Survey
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 23:36:16 2001
Archived on: Fri Aug 31 17:37:05 2001
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).